Friday, 21 August 2009

Ever Wanted to Catch Fairies?

Well now you can!
My friend Zazzy calls me and says "I have a pet for you". I'm like "Ooooh wow" So she sends me this gorgeous fairy that sits on my head, saying she caught it! Well, I'm over the proverbial moon cos I love it! I'm going "But where? How?"
She sends me a TP and I find myself outside Cutie Honey at this beautiful hunting ground.
I went with her to the building and she showed me the 2 variations, it works much like the fishing and you have a choice of free or a 200L net. Both have animations and a sweet cage with something in, My free one had pink magnolia and hers had the red fairy lying in petals.
As you can see I wore my gift all the while and got to work catching the freebies (With a huge chunk coming from Zazzy, thank you sweetie!!).
If you look closely at the 3rd pic up, click to enlarge, you can see butterflies, flying round me, one on my head in a flower hair clip, a glow worm on my arm, caterpillar on my head and a ladybug dangling from my mouth. That's about half of what you could catch with the free net.
The top pic shows the extras you can win if you get the full net, I'm gonnna go for that tomorrow ;)

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