Friday, 6 November 2009

Lois Sings a Song

Well, what a fantastic day so far.
Woke up to a delivery of the latest MM Gift from eStyle, and decided to go to the store and see what letter the Lucky Chair had, and within 3 minutes I had the other Skin I have on in these pictures. The MM board needs 600 hits but it is well on it's way to 200 as we speak and still has the whole day and evening to go, so go add your name, they are absolutely beautiful Skins!
The Hello November Dress ((Bottom pic)) is half price, 75L today only, at Rag Dollz
Now the Celtic Dress, well this is something very special, this is Lois Allen from Lois Designs at her very best.
The Dress can be worn 3 different ways and the cape is fully lined!! :P~~ I know, perfection!!
But guess what girls? This Dress and Cape make up only 2 of the 10 ..yes 10 gifts that Lois is contributing to the Sing a Song hunt at Lemanias Sim, starting tomorrow 7th Nov - 30th Nov.
Each Gift in the Hunt is named after a tune or song.
Lois has chosen original songs from SL Musicians, this one is inspired by Celtic by XanderNichting Writer, you can hear him here
I teamed it with one of the 5 colours in Magika's 50L Friday offering. perfect match I think :)

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