This outfit "Snowbound" is available on the marketplace from Taylor Made for 50L. It comes with all the clothing you see you see apart from the Ice Skates. I got them free at Equus Winter Wonderland

This gorgeous lacy number is free at House of Beningborough

I really like this cute lil snowflake dress from Liberty's at the marketplace. Love the price 0L, I did need to resize the fluff part and added the scripts myself.
((Really easy to do, IM me TheAbsinthe Fairey in world if you would like the scripts and instructions))
The Necklace is free from H V Design also on the Market

This beauty is 1L from DCNY.
Hair in all the pictures above is the group gift from Heart Softens

Here's a couple of links to all sorts of other snow goodies 10L or under on the Market ..Here and Here